Home Salary Tony Baldinelli Salary: Monthly Income & Loans

Tony Baldinelli Salary: Monthly Income & Loans

Tony Baldinelli salary

Did you know Tony Baldinelli is a politician from Canada? In this piece, you get to know about Tony Baldinelli’s salary and other earnings

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Tony Baldinelli’s salary is over $150,000.


Tony Baldinelli MP is a politician from Canada. He is a member of the Conservative party.

Baldinelli was elected to represent the riding of Niagara Falls in the House of Commons of Canada in the 2019 Canadian federal election as a Conservative.

He held the seat for the Tories after its long-serving member of Parliament, former cabinet minister Rob Nicholson, retired. Prior to being elected, he had worked at Niagara Parks for 18 years.

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In September 2020, Conservative leader Erin O’Toole named Baldinelli his special adviser on Tourism Recovery.

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Annual income

Tony Baldinelli’s salary per month and other career earnings are over $150,000 dollars annually. He has no political loans as of June 2023.

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