Tony Baldinelli Salary: Monthly Income & Loans

Tony Baldinelli salary

Did you know Tony Baldinelli is a politician from Canada? In this piece, you get to know about Tony Baldinelli’s salary and other earnings


Tony Baldinelli’s salary is over $150,000.


Tony Baldinelli MP is a politician from Canada. He is a member of the Conservative party.

Baldinelli was elected to represent the riding of Niagara Falls in the House of Commons of Canada in the 2019 Canadian federal election as a Conservative.

He held the seat for the Tories after its long-serving member of Parliament, former cabinet minister Rob Nicholson, retired. Prior to being elected, he had worked at Niagara Parks for 18 years.

In September 2020, Conservative leader Erin O’Toole named Baldinelli his special adviser on Tourism Recovery.

Annual income

Tony Baldinelli’s salary per month and other career earnings are over $150,000 dollars annually. He has no political loans as of June 2023.