Scott Morrison Net Worth 2022, Salary, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Children, Approval Rating

Scott Morrison net worth

Read the complete write-up of Scott Morrison net worth, biography, age, height, wife, children, approval rating as well as other information you need to know.


Scott Morrison is an Australian politician serving as the 30th and current prime minister of Australia. He assumed office in August 2018 upon his election as leader of the Liberal Party. He worked as director of the New Zealand Office of Tourism and Sport from 1998 to 2000 and was managing director of Tourism Australia from 2004 to 2006. Morrison also served as state director of the New South Wales Liberal Party from 2000 to 2004.

He was first elected to the House of Representatives at the 2007 election for the Division of Cook in New South Wales and was quickly appointed to the shadow cabinet. After the Coalition’s victory at the 2013 election, Morrison was appointed Minister for Immigration and Border Protection in the Abbott Government, where he was responsible for implementing Operation Sovereign Borders. In a reshuffle the following year, he became Minister for Social Services. He was later promoted to the role of Treasurer in September 2015, after Malcolm Turnbull replaced Abbott as Prime Minister.

In August 2018, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton unsuccessfully challenged Turnbull for the leadership of the Liberal Party. Leadership tension continued, and the party voted to hold a second leadership ballot on 24 August, with Turnbull choosing not to stand. In that ballot, Morrison was seen as a compromise candidate and defeated both Dutton and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to become Leader of the Liberal Party. He was sworn in as Prime Minister by the Governor-General later that day.

Morrison went on to lead the Coalition to a surprise victory in the 2019 election. He was criticised for his government’s response to the 2019–20 bushfires and the 2021 Parliament rape allegations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia received praise during 2020 for being one of the few Western countries to successfully suppress the virus. However, the Morrison Government has also been criticized for not creating a national quarantine system, failure to help Australians stranded overseas, and a slow vaccination rollout that fell far short of its targets. In foreign policy, Morrison oversaw the signing of the AUKUS security pact and increased tensions between Australia and China.

Early life

NameScott Morrison
Net Worth$52 million
Age54 years
Scott Morrison net worth 2022

Scott Morrison was born on May 13, 1968 (age 54 years) in Waverley, Sydney, Australia. He is the younger of two sons born to Marion Smith and John Douglas Morrison (1934–2020). His father was a policeman who served on the Waverley Municipal Council, including a single term as mayor. Morrison’s maternal grandfather was born in New Zealand. His patern al grandmother was the niece of noted Australian poet Dame Mary Gilmore. In 2012, on the 50th anniversary of her death, he delivered a tribute to her in the federal parliament. Morrison is descended from William Roberts, a convict who was convicted of stealing yarn and transported to Australia on the First Fleet in 1788.

Morrison grew up in the suburb of Bronte. He had a brief career as a child actor, appearing in several television commercials and small roles in local shows. Some reports have suggested that he was the iconic 1970s Vicks “Love Rub” kid, but footage to confirm or refute this has not been found; he has stated he was in a different Vicks commercial.

Scott Morrison attended Sydney Boys High School before going on to complete a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) honours degree in applied economic geography at the University of New South Wales. His honours thesis, a demographical analysis of Christian Brethren assemblies in Sydney, was deposited in the University of Manchester Library’s Christian Brethren Collection. Morrison contemplated studying theology at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, but he instead chose to enter the workforce after completing his undergraduate education, in part due to the disapproval of his father.

Early career

After graduating from university, Morrison worked as national policy and research manager for the Property Council of Australia from 1989 to 1995. He then moved into tourism, serving as deputy chief executive of the Australian Tourism Task Force and then general manager of the Tourism Council of Australia; the latter was managed by Bruce Baird, whom he would eventually succeed in federal parliament.

In 1998, Morrison moved to New Zealand to become director of the newly created Office of Tourism and Sport. He formed a close relationship with New Zealand’s tourism minister, Murray McCully, and was involved with the creation of the long-running “100% Pure New Zealand” campaign. He left this position in 2000, a year before the contract schedule.

Morrison returned to Australia in 2000, to become state director of the Liberal Party of Australia (New South Wales Division). He oversaw the party’s campaigns in the 2001 federal election and in the 2003 New South Wales state election.

Tourism Australia

In 2004, Morrison left the NSW Liberal Party post to become the inaugural managing director of Tourism Australia, which had been established by the Howard Government. His appointment was controversial due to its openly political nature. He signed an initial three-year contract. Morrison approved and defended the contentious “So where the bloody hell are you?” advertising campaign featuring Lara Bingle. His contract was terminated in July 2006, which at the time was attributed to conflict with tourism minister Fran Bailey over the government’s plans to further integrate the agency into the Australian Public Service. He had been awarded a pay rise by the Remuneration Tribunal three weeks before his sacking.

A 2019 investigation by The Saturday Paper suggested Morrison was sacked due to c oncerns that Tourism Australia was not following government procurement guidelines for three contracts relating to the “So where the bloody hell are you?” campaign, with a total value of $184 million. A 2008 report from the Auditor-General found that “information had been kept from the board, procurement guidelines breached and private companies engaged before the paperwork was signed and without appropriate value-for-money assessments”. It was suggested that M&C Saatchi, which had previously worked with Morrison on the “100% Pure” campaign in New Zealand, received favourable treatment in the tendering process.

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This episode and, more generally, his career in marketing led to his satirical sobriquet, “Scotty from Marketing,” originating with the satirical news website The Betoota Advocate in August 2018. It was taken up on Twitter in early 2019 and spiked at the height of the bushfire crisis on 29 December 2019. In January 2020 Morrison referred to the name as a “snarky comment” used by the Labor Party to discredit him.

Political career

Scott Morrison sought Liberal preselection for the Division of Cook, an electorate in the southern suburbs of Sydney which includes Cronulla, Caringbah, and Miranda, for the 2007 election, following the retirement of Bruce Baird, who had served as the member since 1998. He lost the ballot to Michael Towke, a telecommunications engineer and the candidate of the Liberals’ right faction, by 82 votes to 8.

However, allegations surfaced that Towke had engaged in branch stacking and had embellished his resume. The state executive of the Liberal Party disendorsed Towke and held a new pre-selection ballot, which Morrison won. The allegations subsequently proved to be false, and The Daily Telegraph was forced to pay an undisclosed amount to settle a defamation suit filed by Towke. At the general election, Morrison suffered a two-party swing of over six per cent against Labor candidate Mark Buttigieg but was able to retain the seat on the strength of winning 52 per cent of the primary vote.

In September 2008, Morrison was appointed to Malcolm Turnbull’s coalition front bench as shadow minister for housing and local government. In December 2009, he became shadow minister for immigration and citizenship, coming into the shadow cabinet for the first time during Tony Abbott’s first cabinet reshuffle shortly after winning the leadership.

In December 2010, forty-eight asylum seekers died in the Christmas Island boat disaster. In February 2011, Morrison publicly questioned the decision of the Gillard Labor government to pay for the relatives of the victims to travel to funerals in Sydney, arguing that the same privilege was not extended to Australian citizens. After fellow Liberal and shadow treasurer Joe Hockey disagreed with Morrison’s statements, Morrison said that the timing of his comments was insensitive, but did not back away from the comments themselves. In the same month, it was revealed that Morrison had “urged the shadow cabinet to capitalise on the electorate’s growing concerns” about Muslims and appeal to the public perception of their “inability to integrate” to gain votes.

In February 2013, Morrison said that the police should be notified of where asylum seekers are living in the community if any antisocial behaviour has occurred and that there should be strict guidelines for the behaviour of those currently on bridging visas while they await the determination of their claims. The new code of conduct was released by the immigration minister for more than 20,000 irregular maritime arrivals living in the community on bridging visas.

Abbott Government

Scott Morrison was sworn in as Minister for Social Services by Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove in 2014. Following the Coalition’s victory at the 2013 federal election, Morrison was appointed Minister for Immigration and Border Protection in the Abbott Government and included in the cabinet.

Based on a series of off-the-record interviews, in June 2014 Morrison was identified by Fairfax Media as the leader of an informal grouping of “economically moderate, or wet” government MPs, also including Greg Hunt, Stuart Robert, and Josh Frydenberg. It was linked with another moderate grouping led by Christopher Pyne. It was further reported that Morrison had unsuccessfully argued in the cabinet for a $25 million bailout of SPC Ardmona.


On 18 September 2013, Morrison launched Operation Sovereign Borders, the new government’s strategy aimed at stopping unauthorised boats from entering Australian waters. Cabinet documents from this time revealed in 2018 that Morrison asked for mitigation strategies to avoid granting permanent visas to 700 refugees. His office reported that there were 300 boats and 20,587 arrivals in 2013 to only 1 boat and 157 arrivals for all of 2014. The UNHCR expressed concerns that the practise may violate the Refugee Convention.

In September 2014, it was reported that zero asylum seekers had died at sea since December 2013, compared with more than 1,100 deaths between 2008 and 2013. The annual refugee intake, which had been increased to 20,000 for 2012–13 by the previous government, was reduced to 13,750, the level it had been in 2011–12. Morrison stated that “Not one of those places will go to anyone who comes on a boat to Australia […] they will go to people who have come the right way.” Morrison defended his use of the terms “illegal arrivals” and “illegal boats,” saying that “I’ve always referred to illegal entry … I’ve never claimed that it’s illegal to claim asylum.”

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During his time as Immigration Minister, Morrison’s dealings with the media and accountability to the public were widely criticised by journalists, Labor and Greens senators, and others for refusing to provide details about the matters within his portfolio. Morrison asserted that to reveal details of operations would be to play into the hands of people smugglers who used this information to plan illegal smuggling operations. On many occasions, Morrison refused to answer questions about the status of asylum seekers or boats coming to and from Australia, often on the basis that he would not disclose “on water” or “operational” matters.

In November 2014, the Australian Human Rights Commission delivered a report to the Government which found that Morrison failed in his responsibility to act in the best interests of children in detention during his time as Minister. The overarching finding of the inquiry was that the prolonged, mandatory detention of asylum seeker children caused them significant mental and physical illness and developmental delays, in breach of Australia’s international obligations. The report was criticised by Tony Abbott as being politically motivated, with regard to the timing of the report’s release after the Abbott Government had taken office. The Government released the report publicly in February 2015.

In early December 2014, Morrison had the Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment (Resolving the Asylum Legacy Caseload) Bill 2014 passed through the Australian Parliament. The bill gave Morrison more power than any previous minister in dealing with people seeking asylum in Australia, including the power to return asylum seekers to their place of origin, detain asylum seekers without charge, and refuse asylum seekers who arrive by boat access to the Refugee Review Tribunal. The bill reintroduced temporary protection visas to deal specifically with the backlog of 30,000 people who had arrived under the previous Labor Government but who had yet to be processed. The bill allowed those on bridging visas to apply for work and increased the refugee intake to 18,750.

Social services

In a cabinet reshuffle in late December 2014, Morrison was appointed the Minister for Social Services and ceased to be Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The appointment was criticised by Australian Greens leader Christine Milne who claimed Morrison had a lack of compassion. With a softened change in image, Morrison was commended by welfare and community groups for his accommodating approach and eagerness for the portfolio.

Scott Morrison encouraged working mothers and endorsed fixes to the childcare system by making indexation changes to the Family Tax Benefits payment. In April 2015, he announced the introduction of the “No Jab, No Pay” policy, which withholds family and childcare benefits from parents who do not vaccinate their children. His time as minister was criticised by his opposition counterpart Jenny Macklin, who said that “Scott Morrison was appointed to clean up Kevin Andrews’ mess but left behind more chaos, confusion and cuts.”

In March 2015, three hundred alumni of Sydney Boys High School signed a letter protesting Morrison’s attendance at an alumni fund-raising event. The protest letter expressed the opinion that the school should not celebrate a person who has “so flagrantly disregarded human rights.”

In May 2015, Morrison promoted his plan for a $3.5 billion overhaul of the childcare subsidies system. His substantial advertising efforts led to claims that he was overshadowing the role of Treasurer Joe Hockey. Morrison insisted that he did not desire to take over the position of Treasurer despite his strong performances.

Under Turnbull Government

Scott Morrison was appointed as Treasurer in the Turnbull Government in September 2015, replacing Joe Hockey. In his first press conference as Treasurer, he indicated a reduction in government expenditure and stated that the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) and White Paper on tax reform would arrive on time.

In May 2016, Morrison handed down the 2016 Australian federal budget. It included the introduction of a 40 per cent diverted profits tax (popularly known as the “Google tax”), which is an anti-avoidance measure designed to prevent base erosion and profit shifting. It was passed into law as the Diverted Profits Tax Act 2017 and took effect on 1 July 2017. The new tax received criticism from some quarters, with the Corporate Tax Association stating that it would have “unpredictable outcomes” and negatively affect Australian business.

In February 2017, Morrison addressed the House of Representatives while holding a lump of coal, stating “This is coal. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be scared. It won’t hurt you,” and accusing those concerned about the environmental impact of the coal industry of having “an ideological, pathological fear of coal.” He handed down the 2017 Australian federal budget in May 2017.

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In December 2017, the government introduced the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (popularly known as the Banking Royal Commission). Morrison originally opposed the creation of a royal commission, believing that a Senate inquiry would be sufficient. He voted against a royal commission 23 times between April 2016 and June 2017, and in September 2016 described it as “nothing more than crass populism seeking to undermine confidence in the banking and financial system, which is key to jobs and growth in this country.”

In announcing that the royal commission would take place, Morrison described it as a “regrettable but necessary action.” In response to the commission’s findings, in April 2018 he announced the introduction of new criminal and civil penalties for financial misconduct, including potential prison sentences of 10 years for individuals and fines of up to $210 million for companies.

Morrison handed down the 2018 Australian federal budget on 8 May. He subsequently rejected calls to increase the rate of the Newstart Allowance, saying “my priority is to give tax relief to people who are working and paying taxes.”

Prime Minister of Australia

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a leadership spill on 21 August 2018 in order to gauge the confidence of the Liberal Party in his leadership. He defeated challenger Peter Dutton by 48 votes to 35. Over the following days, there was repeated speculation about a second spill being called, without Turnbull’s approval. Turnbull announced two days later that he would resign the leadership if a spill motion were passed. Dutton, Morrison and Julie Bishop announced they would stand for the leadership if that were the case.

A spill motion was passed on 24 August by 45 votes to 40, and Turnbull did not run as a candidate in the resulting leadership vote. On the first ballot, Dutton received 38 votes, Morrison 36 votes, and Bishop 11 votes. On the second ballot, Morrison received 45 votes and Dutton 40 votes. He thus became leader of the Liberal Party and prime minister-designate. Josh Frydenberg was elected as the party’s deputy leader, in place of Bishop. Morrison was widely seen as a compromise candidate, who was agreeable to both the moderate supporters of Turnbull and Bishop and conservatives concerned about Dutton’s electability. He was sworn in as prime minister on the evening of 24 August.

Soon after Morrison was sworn in, Nationals backbencher Kevin Hogan moved to the crossbench in protest of the wave of Liberal spills. Although Hogan continued to support the Coalition on confidence and supply and remained in the National party room, his departure to the crossbench and Turnbull’s retirement from politics reduced the Coalition to a minority government of 74 seats. The Morrison Government remained in the minority after Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth was lost to independent Kerryn Phelps at a by-election.

First term as Prime Minister

Scott Morrison made his first overseas trip as prime minister less than a week after acceding to the office. He visited the Indonesian capital of Jakarta for Australia–Indonesia Business Forum and met with President Joko Widodo, announcing the Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement that had been negotiated under the preceding Turnbull Government.

In October 2018, Morrison announced Australia was reviewing whether to move Australia’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In December 2018, Morrison announced Australia has recognised West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel but will not immediately move its embassy from Tel Aviv.

In November 2018, Morrison privately raised the issue of Xinjiang re-education camps and human rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslim minority in a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Singapore.

In March 2019, Morrison condemned the Christchurch mosque shootings as an “extremist, right-wing violent terrorist attack.” He also stated that Australians and New Zealanders were families and that the Australian authorities would be cooperating with New Zealand authorities to assist with the investigation. Morrison condemned “reckless” and “highly offensive” comments made by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan repeatedly showed a video taken by the Christchurch mosque shooter to his supporters at campaign rallies for upcoming local elections and said Australians and New Zealanders who came to Turkey with anti-Muslim sentiments “would be sent back in coffins like their grandfathers were” during the Gallipoli Campaign of World War I.

Second term as Prime Minister

Scott Morrison led the Coalition into the 2019 election. At the time of the writs being issued, the Coalition had been behind the Labor Party in most opinion polls for the previous term of parliament, leading to widespread expectations that the Coalition would lose. However, in a significant upset, the Coalition retained its majority. This was considered to have been caused by the unpopularity of opposition leader Bill Shorten and Labor’s failure to adapt to the re-framing of the election as a choice between Morrison and Shorten. Claiming victory on election night, Morrison stated that he had “always believed in miracles.” Ultimately, the Coalition won 77 seats, a majority of two.

In December 2019, Morrison faced criticism for taking an unannounced overseas holiday with his family to Hawaii, United States during the 2019–20 Australian bushfire season. Morrison’s office initially declined to comment on the length of his trip and his whereabouts, citing security concerns and made false claims that Morrison was not in Hawaii. A viral satirical shirt fundraising initiative was followed by a range of community-based responses, including comedian Celeste Barber’s fundraise for bushfire relief. After increasing criticism from opposition politicians and on social media regarding the holiday, Morrison released a statement on 20 December that stated he “deeply regret[ted] any offence caused” and that he would cut his holiday short to return to Australia on 21 December.

The Morrison Government was widely criticised for its handling of the 2021 Australian Parliament rape scandals, with an Essential poll finding that 65% of respondents (including 76% of Labor supporters, 51% of Coalition supporters and 88% of Greens supporters) saying the Government was more interested in protecting itself than women. As well as the Labor and Greens parties, the government faced criticism from within its own party. Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who had been made aware of the allegations against Christian Porter in 2019, criticised him for taking too long to come forward.

Former Prime Minister John Howard defended Morrison’s decision not to open an independent inquiry into Porter’s conduct. Australian of the Year and sexual assault survivor advocate Grace Tame also criticised Morrison in a speech to the National Press Club, saying she did not believe he was creating an environment where victims were believed. She also said, “It shouldn’t take having children to have a conscience” in response to Morrison’s statement that he’d been prompted to reflect on the issue and decide to listen to Tame after a discussion with his wife Jenny Morrison where she said to him “you have to think about this as a father. What would you want to happen if it were our girls?”

Scott Morrison was also criticised for not accepting more Afghan refugees, who were fleeing the country after the Taliban seized control of the country in August 2021. He agreed to give humanitarian visas to 3,000 Afghan refugees, fewer than other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. Morrison later determined that more than 3,000 refugees may be accepted, as the original number was a “floor, not a ceiling”. He would later state that he would only resettle refugees who came in through “official channels”, and those who came to Australia via boat would not receive permanent residency.

Foreign affairs

At the 2019 Lowy Lecture, Scott Morrison argued that the “distinctiveness of independent nations is preserved within a framework of mutual respect”. In August 2019, Morrison called on the Chief Executive of Hong Kong to listen to protesters demands, denying that the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests were showing signs of terrorism.

In October 2019, Morrison criticised the 2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria. Morrison stated that he was concerned for the safety of the Kurds living in the region and also feared that the offensive could result in a resurgence of ISIS.

Sino–Australian relations

On 30 November 2020, a Chinese diplomat, Zhao Lijian, posted a digitally manipulated image of an Australian soldier who appears to hold a bloodied knife against the throat of an Afghan child, on his Twitter page. The image is believed to be a reference to the Brereton Report, which had been released earlier by the Australian government that month, and which details war crimes committed by the Australian Defence Force during the War in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016.

Later that day, Morrison called a press conference, calling the image “offensive” and “truly repugnant”, and demanding a formal apology from the Chinese government. China rejected the demands for an apology on the following day, with the artist of the image creating another artwork for Morrison in response to Morrison’s demand. The incident had the effect of unifying Australian politicians in condemning China across party lines while also drawing attention to the Brereton Report. The incident was further seen as a sign of deteriorating relations between Australia and China.

Relations with New Zealand

As Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has defended Australia’s policy of deporting non-citizens including New Zealanders who had violated its character test or committed crimes. This policy was criticised by his New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern, who described it as “corrosive” to Australia–New Zealand relations in February 2020.

In mid-February 2021, Morrison defended the Australian policy of revoking Australian citizenship for dual nationals engaged in terrorism. The previous year, the Australian Government had revoked the citizenship of dual Australian-New Zealand citizen Suhayra Aden, who had become an ISIS bride. New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern had criticised the decision, accusing Australia of abandoning its citizens. Following a phone conversation, the two leaders agreed to work together in the “spirit of the Australian-New Zealand relationship” to address what Ardern described as “quite a complex legal situation.”

In late May 2021, Morrison made his first state visit to New Zealand since the COVID-19 lockdown, meeting New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern in Queenstown. The two heads of government issued a joint statement affirming bilateral cooperation on the issues of COVID-19, bilateral relations, and security issues in the Indo-Pacific. Morrison and Ardern also raised concerns about the South China Sea dispute and human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. In response to the joint statement, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin criticised the Australian and New Zealand governments for interfering in Chinese domestic affairs. During the visit, Morrison defended Australia’s decision to revoke ISIS bride Suhayra Aden’s citizenship but indicated that the Australian Government would consider allowing her children to settle in Australia.


In September 2021, Morrison, British premier Boris Johnson and US President Joe Biden announced AUKUS, a security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States seen as an initiative to counter the perceived dominance of China in the Pacific. This superseded a proposed submarine pact between Australia and France that had been in discussions at the same time; the announcement of AUKUS attracted backlash from French officials and damaged Australia–France relations. Chinese officials also criticised the agreement.

COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic in Australia prompted Morrison to establish the National Cabinet on 13 March 2020. This body is composed of the Prime Minister and the premiers and chief ministers of the states and territories to coordinate the national response to the pandemic. On 29 May 2020, the Prime Minister announced that the National Cabinet would replace the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and meetings after the pandemic would be held monthly, instead of the biannual meetings of COAG.

“The world over – we have all faced the health and economic crises generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 is a year none of us wants to repeat. In Australia, we have used our strong balance sheet – built up over many years of discipline, to support and provide our health system with the additional resources, record levels, it has needed – and to provide major, unprecedented economic supports for households and businesses – providing much-needed strength and resilience to the economy to both cushion the blow and to recover…… As the world’s only nation continent, we always have to be outward-looking. You don’t get rich by selling stuff to yourself. Singaporeans certainly understand that.”

On 5 May, Morrison, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Australian state and territorial leaders agreed to work together to develop a Trans-Tasman travel zone that would allow residents from both countries to travel freely between them without restrictions. Morrison supported an international inquiry into the origins of the global COVID-19 pandemic and opined that the coronavirus most likely originated in a wildlife wet market in Wuhan.

In August 2020, Scott Morrison announced that Australians would be “among the first in the world to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, if it proves successful, through an agreement between the Australian Government and UK-based drug company AstraZeneca”. In November 2020, he said the government’s COVID-19 strategy would put “Australia at the front of the queue for a safe and effective vaccine”. The original goal for vaccine doses has been revised down several times since March 2021, and as of 30 June 2021, the number of doses given (7.6 million) was 4.7 million less than the goal for the end of June.

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As of 17 September 2021, Australia ranked 33rd out of 38 countries in the OECD for a percentage of the population is fully vaccinated (at 36.01%). The slow pace of the vaccine rollout has prompted the traditionally conservative The Australian newspaper to editorialise that “the federal government is losing credibility with its management of the vaccine rollout and its repeated claims that everything is on track”. Political scientists Tim Soutphommasane and Marc Stears criticised the government’s management of the vaccine rollout in June 2021, saying it will likely be “taught as a case study of public policy failure”. During a press conference in July, Morrison issued an apology for the slow vaccine rollout. In August, Morrison declared that the government’s problems with the rollout had been “overcome”, despite several states having a shortage of vaccines.

Political views

Scott Morrison’s political views are considered conservative, and he is aligned with the centre-right faction of the Liberal Party.

Morrison has declared himself a proud supporter of the Australian constitutional monarchy. In January 2021, Morrison commented that he opposes changing the date of Australia Day from 26 January. Morrison strongly opposes voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide, and has stated that he “believes in the sanctity of human life”.

Same-sex marriage

Morrison was an opponent of legalising same-sex marriage in Australia. After the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, he proposed an amendment to the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 allowing parents to remove children from classes if “non-traditional” marriage is discussed. All amendments failed, and Morrison abstained from voting on the final bill. Morrison’s electorate of Cook had a participation rate of 82.22%, and 55.04% of those had responded “Yes.” By November 2017, Morrison considered the topic to be a “done deal” and a “finished debate”, and same-sex marriage would ultimately come into law on 9 December of that year.

Environmental policies

Morrison’s policies and views on climate change have been the subject of media attention, with some outlets labelling him as a climate denier. The 2020 Climate Change Performance Index ranked Australia in last place for its climate policies. During the 2019–20 Australian bushfire season, Morrison dismissed suggestions of a link between Australia’s emissions or policies and the intensity of the bushfires and initially downplayed the influence of climate change on the fires, but later admitted that climate change may have contributed.

Protests over his government’s climate policies took place across Australia amidst the fire season. Following his attendance at the 2021 Leaders’ Climate Summit, Morrison declined to set net-zero emissions or other climate change targets, unlike other world leaders. Morrison allegedly requested climate change policy targets be removed from a proposed 2021 Australia–United Kingdom trade deal.


Morrison is a fan of rugby union and supported the Eastern Suburbs RUFC during his childhood. After moving to the Sutherland Shire, he became a fan of the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks rugby league team and was named the club’s number-one ticket holder in 2016.


Scott Morrison is married to his longtime girlfriend Jenny Warren, they had their wedding on January 14, 1990. However, he began dating Jenny Warren when they were both 16. They married on 14 January 1990, when Morrison was 21, and Warren, 22, and have two daughters together. After multiple unsuccessful IVF treatments over a period of 14 years, their daughters were conceived naturally. His daughters attend an independent Baptist school. Morrison has stated that one of the reasons for this choice was so that he could avoid “the values of others being imposed on my children.”

Religious beliefs

Morrison was raised in the Presbyterian Church of Australia, which partly merged into the Uniting Church when he was a child. He later became a Pentecostal and now attends the Horizon Church which is affiliated with the Australian Christian Churches, the Australian branch of the Assemblies of God. He has said that “the Bible is not a policy handbook, and I get very worried when people try to treat it like one.” In late 2017, Morrison stated that he would become a stronger advocate for protections for religious freedom.

Scott Morrison net worth

What is Scott Morrison net worth? Scott Morrison net worth is estimated at around $52 million as of 2022. His salary is $450,000 and his main source of income is from his political career. He is one of the richest politicians in Australia. However, Scott Morrison is Australia’s first Pentecostal prime minister. He thinks misuse of social media is the work of “the evil one” and practises the Christian tradition of the “laying on of hands” while working. He said in a speech to the Australian Christian Churches conference in April 2021 that he believes he was elected to do God’s work, although he later said that his comments were mischaracterised and that they were meant to reflect his belief that “whatever you do every day … is part of your Christian service”.