Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment dates 2022-2023 (Adults $500 benefits)

saskatchewan Adults $500 benefits

SATC is a Canadian benefit. SATC is The Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) program which offers a one-time $500 payment to all eligible Saskatchewan residents to help address inflationary pressures and the resulting impact on the cost of living. The SATC is a refundable, non-taxable tax credit that will be delivered outside of the tax system to expedite payments to all eligible recipients.

The SATC is administered by the Ministry of Finance.

In this article

Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) Payment Information

The SATC is a one-time payment of $500 to all eligible Saskatchewan residents regardless of their level of income or if they receive social assistance benefits from the Government of Saskatchewan.
The vast majority of SATC payments are expected to be sent by mail to eligible recipients in November 2022.

Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) Eligibility

You are eligible to receive the SATC if you meet all the following criteria:

You have filed an income tax return for the 2021 tax year by October 31, 2022;

You filed your 2021 tax return as a resident of Saskatchewan; and
You are 18 years of age or older as of December 31, 2022.

How to Get Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) Payment

There is no need to formally apply.

If you meet all of the SATC eligibility criteria, you automatically qualify to receive the one-time $500 payment via a cheque sent by mail to the residence listed on your 2021 tax return.

To update your mailing address, please contact the SATC administration center by email at or by phone at 1-800-667-6102.

Check Out: Ontario Catch Up Payments Dates: How To Appy – Payments dates 2022 – 2023

To update your address, you must provide the following information:
Your full legal name;

Your date of birth;

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN); and Your address as it appears on your 2021 tax return.

Further Information on Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC)

Please contact the SATC administration centre by email at or by telephone at 1‑800‑667‑6102.

FAQS about Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC)

Who qualifies to receive the one-time Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) $500 payment?

You are eligible to receive the SATC if you meet all the following criteria:
You have filed an income tax return for the 2021 tax year by October 31, 2022;

You filed your 2021 tax return as a resident of Saskatchewan; and
You are 18 years of age or older as of December 31, 2022.

When will I receive my Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment?

The delivery of Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) cheques is expected to begin in November 2022.

Do I need to apply to receive the SATC payment?

No. As long as you met the SATC’s eligibility criteria, you automatically qualify to receive the one-time $500 payment.

I have not filed a 2021 tax return. How can ensure that I receive the SATC payment?

You must file a 2021 tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by October 31, 2022, to be eligible to receive the SATC payment.

In addition to the SATC payment, tax filers may be automatically eligible for other provincial and federal government support payments just by filing a tax return. We, therefore, encourage every adult to file an income tax return each year to ensure they receive the full range of benefits that are available to them, regardless of their income level.

I earned no income in 2021, can I still file a tax return and be eligible for the Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment?

Yes. You do not need to earn income to file a tax return.

In addition to the SATC payment, tax filers may be automatically eligible for other provincial and federal government support payments just by filing a tax return. We, therefore, encourage every adult to file an income tax return each year to ensure they receive the full range of benefits that are available to them, regardless of their income level.

How can I file a tax return?

Please use the CRA Send us your tax return webpage to find all the necessary information.

To contact the CRA directly, please call 1-800-959-8281, or visit the Canada Revenue Agency website.

How will I get the Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment?

The Government of Saskatchewan will mail a $500 cheque to the address that you provided on your 2021 tax return.

Is there an option to get the SATC payment sent through e-transfer or direct deposit?


Is the Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment treated as taxable income?

The Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment is non-taxable.

I have moved addresses since I filed my 2021 tax return, how do I update my address in order to receive the SATC payment?

To update your address, please contact the SATC administration centre by email at or by phone at 1-800-667-6102. To update your address you must provide the following information:
Your full legal name;
Your date of birth;
Your Social Insurance Number (SIN); and
Your address as it appeared on your 2021 tax return.

Will I get the Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment or will my spouse?

The Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) is paid to each eligible individual directly. If both you and your spouse are individually eligible, you will each get a separate SATC payment sent to your residence.

If an individual moved to Saskatchewan after December 31, 2021, do they qualify for a SATC payment?

No. The Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) is a refundable tax credit program based on the 2021 tax year. The Government of Saskatchewan relies on 2021 tax filing data to determine program eligibility, including whether a 2021 tax return was filed with Saskatchewan listed as the individual’s resident province.

What happens if someone meets all the SATC eligibility criteria but is now deceased?

When a person passes away, a final tax return is filed on behalf of that person for the year of death. Then, another tax return is filed on behalf of the estate when all final legal matters have been resolved.

Even when a person has passed away, if an income tax return has been filed on behalf of the individual for the 2021 taxation year, and all other program criteria are met, a SATC payment will be issued. However, a SATC payment will not be issued related to tax returns that are filed on behalf of a deceased individual’s estate.

Does my level of income in 2021 impact how much of the SATC $500 payment I will receive?

No. Regardless of your level of income, every qualifying resident will receive a $500 payment.

I am a resident of Saskatchewan but filed my 2021 income tax return with another province listed as my primary residence, can I still receive the SATC payment?


How many people will receive the Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment?

We estimate that about 900,000 Saskatchewan residents will qualify to receive the SATC payment.

I meet all the SATC eligibility criteria; when can I expect to receive a payment?

The Government of Saskatchewan is continuing to implement the program’s administrative processes, with the goal of making all SATC payments as soon as possible. Supply chain issues related to cheque stock and envelopes may impact the delivery of cheques.

We expect that the majority of eligible Saskatchewan residents will receive their SATC payment in fall 2022. The delivery of SATC cheques is expected to begin in November 2022.

For some eligible residents, it may take longer depending on SATC administrative issues that are beyond our control. For example, if an individual has been late in filing their 2021 tax return with the CRA, their SATC payment will not be issued until those tax returns are processed and assessed by the CRA.

What happens if I believe that I meet all of the SATC eligibility criteria but have not received a Saskatchewan Affordability Tax Credit (SATC) payment?

First, please refer to the Government of Saskatchewan website for status updates, appreciating that it may take a few months before the first payments are issued.

Check Out: GST Payment dates

If payments have been made and you did not receive one but feel that you are eligible, please contact the SATC administration centre by email at or by phone at 1‑800‑667‑6102.

The Government of Saskatchewan will assist eligible Saskatchewan residents in situations where a SATC payment has not been issued, has been sent to the wrong address or duplicate payments have been issued.