Guy Debelle Salary: Monthly Income & Loans

Guy Debelle salary

Did you know Guy Debelle is an economist from Australia? This piece lets you know Guy Debelle’s salary, monthly income and other information you need. But then, who is Guy Debelle?


Guy Debelle has a salary of $41,0000.

Life & Career

Guy Debelle is an Australian economist who is the former Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, having been appointed in 2016.

Debelle attended St Peter’s College in Adelaide, South Australia and was the Dux of the school in 1983, his graduating year. Debelle graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) in 1987.

He completed a PhD in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology supervised by Stanley Fischer. Debelle is also a Queen’s Scout, awarded in 1983.

In 2022, after 7 years as Deputy Governor and 25 years at the RBA Debelle unexpectedly resigned from his post at the Reserve Bank of Australia, pursuing a position at clean energy non-profit Fortescue Future Industries.

He is the Chief Financial Officer of Fortescue Future Industries, a global green energy company committed to producing zero-carbon green hydrogen from 100 percent renewable sources. FFI aims to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors and is responsible for the decarbonization of its parent company – Fortescue Metals Group – founded by Dr Andrew Forrest AO.

Debelle also chairs the climate change working group at the Australian Council of Financial Regulators. He stands at an appealing height of 1.75m and has a good body weight which suits his personality.

Guy Debelle Annual income

Guy Debelle’s salary per month and other career earnings are over $500,000 dollars annually. He has no loan from a bank.

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