Home NET WORTH Former President Rawlings Goes Home

Former President Rawlings Goes Home

Activities for the State burial rites of Former President Jerry John Rawlings have commenced today in Accra.

A mass was held in his memory today at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Accra with a vigil also scheduled to take place at Air-force Officers Mess also in Accra.

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His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings who passed away on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, was believed to have died from Covid-19. He left behind Mrs.Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings as a wife and 4 children namely; Zenator Agyemang Rawlings who is the current MP for Klottey-Korle, Amina Rawlings, Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings and Kimathi Rawlings.

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On Monday 25th January 2021 and Tuesday 26th January 2021, he will be laid in state at the Accra International Conference Center. Many Television stations will be covering it live. So you can, especially in these covid times, participate virtually by watching from home.

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