Home NET WORTH Emmanuel Gyamfi  Net Worth 2021, Weekly, Monthly Salary

Emmanuel Gyamfi  Net Worth 2021, Weekly, Monthly Salary

Emmanuel Gyamfi net worth

We bring you Emmanuel Gyamfi net worth, weekly and monthly salary.

NameEmmanuel Gyamfi
Net Worth$1.2 million
Salary Weekly$900
Monthly Salary$4000
ClubAsante Kotoko
Emmanuel Gyamfi net worth/Biography

Emmanuel Gyamfi is a Ghanaian footballer who plays as a winger for Asante Kotoko and Ghana.

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Emmanuel Gyamfi was born on December 16, 1994(age 26 years) in Kumasi, Ghana. His parents are of Ghanaians.

Gyamfi started his career at Wa All Stars. In 2014, Gyamfi signed for Armenian club Shirak, making 9 appearances in the Armenian Premier League, scoring once. Ahead of the 2016 Ghanaian Premier League, Gyamfi returned to his native Ghana, signing for Asante Kotoko, making 12 appearances in his first season back in the division.

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International career: On 25 May 2017, Gyamfi made his debut for Ghana in a 1–1 draw against Benin.

Emmanuel Gyamfi net worth

How much is Emmanuel Gyamfi worth? Emmanuel Gyamfi net worth 2021 is estimated at around $1.5 million. He is one of the highest paid players in the Asante Kotoko Club. His salary at his roughly calculated at $1000 per week. He has a monthly salary exceeding $4000 excluding winning bonuses.

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