Alex Bores Salary: Monthly Income, Loans

Alex Bores salary

Did you know Alex Bores is a politician from the United States? This piece lets you know Alex Bores’s salary, monthly income and other information you need. But then, who is Alex Bores?


Alex Bores has a salary of $105,000.

Life & career

Alex Bores is an American politician who currently serves as the Assemblymember for the 73rd District of New York, an area including the Upper East Side, Midtown East, Turtle Bay, Murray Hill, and Sutton Place. He is a fifth-generation New Yorker who was born, raised, and lived his whole life in Manhattan.

​Alex went to school in and around the district: P.S. 6, followed by Wagner and Hunter High School. He graduated with honors from Cornell and received a master’s in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, but the best education he ever received was on the picket line with his Dad when he was 8 years old while his Dad’s union was locked out for fighting for better health care.

He is an engineer that has helped the Department of Justice solve violent crimes in New York City, working with three Manhattan District Attorneys, and building software for local governments’ COVID relief programs that helped 50,000 families keep their homes warm and their water running.

Bores is a community advocate and has organized campaigns that have secured severance pay for fired workers, passed commonsense rent regulation, and reformed government procurement.

Alex Bores also worked to get the last form of mass transit in New York City to appear on Google Maps (the aerial tram which connects the East Side to Roosevelt Island).

Annual income

Alex Bores’s salary per month and other career earnings are over $359,000 dollars annually. He has no loan from a bank.